It is not always easy to attribute a precise date to the beginnings of a wine-growing concern
in the hills of Piedmont. Here the paths of man and the land have often been intertwined, and this is
particularly true of the multi-faceted world of the vine and wine, where the aptitude for a quality product
may well have sprung from the soil and the climate, but will then have been shaped by a skilled vine-grower
who has selected the land, gauged the planting and adapted the vines to their surroundings.
This, basically, has been the story of the Cerutti family, owners through Sergio Cerutti of the "Cà
du Ciuvin" winery. The current owner's grandfather, Enrico Cerutti, started out in vines and wine
in Castiglione Tinella in 1906; even the date, though, is just another conventional reference point, because
previously the Vecchia Bossola estate in Piano del Salto at Calosso had already belonged to the family,
who sold the grapes and, to a lesser extent, produced wine.
This long-standing link with the land and the vineyard led to a branch of the Cerutti family putting down
its roots in Castiglione Tinella, in the heart of the Moscato production area.